Forever young - in all honesty, who doesn't want to be? We all associate youth & youthful looks with beauty. From actors & actresses of popular Korean/Hong Kong tv series that always get us glued to our tv sets, to the most recently departed MJ, to the ordinary men & women in the street; who doesn't want to? Even the first emperor of China and Empress Cixi of Qing Dynasty were no exceptions. They too tried but in vain, to be immortals! Of course, it is no sin to maintain a youthful appearance, to dye away the grey hair, to minimise/remove wrinkles/imperfections, to look good & glamourous. In fact, it is a kind of self respect. But... if it becomes a major obsession in life, to the exclusion of all else, to the extent of even contemplating ending one's own life, when efforts at overcoming signs of ageing seem futile; then it becomes a disturbing, skewed perception towards life. After all, ageing is part of life. Inevitably, we all grow old and die someday. Come to think of it - only the blessed & lucky ones get to grow old. Then again, I guess I don't mean even if I were in constant bodily pain & anguish, as a bed-ridden 'vegetable' or grostequely disfigured/crippled person. This very sticky issue of euthanasia comes to mind. Probably best left to personal convictions and the relevant experts to unravel.
In recent years, whenever I find myself confronted with some of nature's most awesome and humbling spectacles, devastating disasters or the passing of a great yet humble fellow human, a relative/friend; I tend to get some playbacks of my own yesteryears ... and current life. Like some kind of involuntary reality check/wakeup call. Like everyone else, there were the good times and not so good times. Surprisingly, some of the latter can still haunt, hurt or bring regrets after all this passage of time. Wish certain episodes could be re-lived differently, could be undone. Like meeting 'the one' from the very beginning and then happily ever after. No heart piercing dramas, unexpected twist & turns, parting of ways... It also felt like, only not that long ago, I was still this wide-eyed, enthusiastic, adventurous, 30-year old 'young punk' with very few worries, if any worth mentioning at all. Worries about ageing was the last thing on my mind. Had better things to do. The world out there with its countless myraid of wonders, surprises and rewards waiting. Would always be giving it my best shots. Had my fair share of winning and losing. But damn, how time flies...
In case you are wondering if I am actually all wrinkled, hunched over and getting about in a walking wheelie at tortoise's pace; well, not quite - yet. Hopefully not for the next 30 years, destiny willing, that is. Nevertheless, in recent years, some signs of ageing are gradually starting to appear - eg. fish tails at the corners of my eyes when I laugh or smile, the receding hairline, the grey hair appearing on both temples. Am I concerned? You bet. Would be lying if I said no. But these are not my ultimate concerns. My ultimate concerns are for the ones who mean the most to me - namely my immediate family and a couple of individuals; who somehow inexplicably left indelible marks in my life, when our paths crossed. To make matters even more intriguing (or worst?), these events were highlighted to me (during a 12-hour journey) surprisingly accurate by an elderly Chinese feng shui master whom I happened to meet for the very first time as a tour client. Are all these just some coincidental hocus pocus? Why me? At times, I get really pissed off, when I think about it. Life as it is, can already be full of headaches & surprises. One had to be either transfixed or out of his mind, to allow his pride & dignity to be placed on the line; and possibly end up with chaos on all fronts. Maybe I did have a debt to repay (via torments on me) from a previous life. Glad it's done...
We owe it to ourselves that the recipients of our friendship (or more) know that what we give is the real deal, from the heart (at least, while it lasts). Undeserved bad treatments, ridicule & humiliations in return can be hard to take. Be not troubled, though. As for me, if and when it ends or is unappreciated, it won't turn me into a stalker or maim me psychologically. On the contrary, my heartfelt parting best wishes. The debts/dues owing, will have by then, be repaid...(Now coming back from the digression) Lastly, while we keep the 'signs of ageing' at bay through taking good care, let's not neglect the characteristics of inner beauty that are just as important, if not more. Nietzsche, the German philosopher once said : "To live as if each day could be the last day of your life.", "but to learn as if you would live forever." , added Ghandhi. Enlightening...
Try A Little Kindness
If you see your brother standing by the road
With a heavy load from the seeds he's sowed
And if you see your sister falling by the way
Just stop and stay you're going the wrong way
You got to try a little kindness
Yes show a little kindness
Just shine your light for everyone to see
And if you try a little kindness
Then you'll overlook the blindness
Of narrow-minded people on the narrow-minded streets
Don't walk around the down and out
Lend a helping hand instead of doubt
And the kindness that you show every day
Will help someone along their way
You got to try a little kindness
Yes show a little kindness
Just shine your light for everyone to see
And if you try a little kindness
Then you'll overlook the blindness
Of narrow-minded people on the narrow-minded streets
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